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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Another beautiful lamb!

We are in the middle of an incredible April heatwave here... in the 60's all week and clear, sunny skies. While doing chores this morning I hear that 'I'm going to be a mom' sound eminating from one of the pens. Sure enough, Cheesecake was in labor. As she seemed in no real distress, I just let her finish her work while keeping an eye out from a distance. Flecket on one side, not on the other, 3 full white socks, tail, and Yuglet face markings too! Another HST, sired by Topple!

And yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees, it was a girrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl...........

The count so far?6 girls, 1 boy.........

don't worry, I know I'll get pay-backs sometime in the future but I CAN enjoy it for now!! LOL!!


Jenny Holden said...

Yay lucky you! One more to lamb here. A black krunet ewe born two mights ago :o)

Ebonwald Cardigans said...

UNbelievable! But congrats SOMEONE is getting ewes :)

enjoyed our talk last night!

Michelle said...

ARGGG! Enticing description and NO PHOTOS! Congratulations on what sounds like another flashy ewe lamb!

Alaska Shetland Shepherd said...

Thanks you gals and guy! LOL! Must be all that alfalfa and corn I'm feeding them tho......